
In the field of security systems, we provide comprehensive services for a wide range of customers in various market segments and industrial sectors. Customer satisfaction is our goal and the best appraisal of our expertise.

We focus on providing a comprehensive service system that covers the entire process from initial contact with the customer, providing expert consultations and advice, to project completion, including warranty and post-warranty service.


Consulting and advisory services

Our team of technicians and designers is available to provide underlying free information regarding various areas of security and low-voltage systems. We are prepared to consult on general issues and offer solutions.

Price quotes

Based on the provided assignment or personal inspection of the premises, we will prepare a price quote including all costs for system implementation, free of charge.

Our specialists will propose and describe in detail a technical solution tailored to your specific requirements within this offer. Each proposed solution will be adapted to the individual requirements of each customer and will be efficient.

Project documentation

Our company specializes in preparing project documentation not only for our own completed projects but also for external design offices, general designers, and general construction contractors. We are able to prepare various types and levels of project documentation with the help of our authorized designers.

The requirement for project documentation depends on the scope and complexity of the planned installation. It is also necessary to consider the applicable legislation and ČSN standards, which may require the preparation of project documentation in a given case.

System and equipment installation

We perform comprehensive installations of security and low-voltage systems according to our own technical solutions or project documentation compiled by a third party and provided to us by the customer.

Installation is carried out by technicians with many years of experience in the field of electrical engineering, security, and low-voltage systems. Installation work is carried out in accordance with applicable regulations and technical standards. We emphasise maintaining the high quality and technical level of the required solution. Our maintenance is carried out with care and professionalism to ensure that customer systems and equipment function optimally and meet all requirements.

Work is always supervised and controlled by an authorized person, who usually also ensures direct communication with the customer during the installation process.

Newly installed systems and equipment are typically subjected to comprehensive testing at the end, or trial operation is conducted, during which any possible defects are addressed. Training for operation is also part of our services.

Subsequently, the system is handed over to the customer for permanent use, including the transfer of a complete documentation package including as-built project documentation, electrical equipment revisions, test protocols, certificates, and other relevant documents.

Inspections, checks, and operational tests

A team of authorized inspection technicians ensures one-time inspections, checks, and operational tests on installed electrical equipment. The necessity and frequency of these inspections, checks, and operational tests are determined based on the nature of the installed equipment and the relevant requirements of applicable legislation and technical standards.

During the inspections, checks, and operational tests, compliance with all regulations and standards necessary for the safe operation of these systems and equipment is checked by inspection technicians. The operation of any electrical equipment is conditioned by the performance of these inspections, checks, and operational tests. A protocol is subsequently issued for the completed inspection, check, or test.

Regular maintenance

Applicable legislation and normative regulations require operators of designated security systems and fire safety systems to ensure the performance of regular inspections, checks, and functional tests for these systems at specified intervals. From our scope of activities, this primarily includes these systems:

We offer all our customers, especially legal entities, the opportunity to sign a maintenance agreement, specifying the scope and timing of inspections, checks, and operational tests, the regular performance of which is required by valid legislation and technical standards. In the event of signing of a maintenance agreement, the timing for the performance of all regular inspections, checks, and tests will be monitored for you by our inspection technicians.

Warranty and post-warranty service

Our company provides all customers with warranty service ensured by a team of maintenance technicians for the entire warranty period on installed systems and equipment.

As part of the offered services and subsequent customer care, we also offer and provide existing customers with comprehensive post-warranty service.

For corporate customers and legal entities, we usually provide both warranty and post-warranty service activities based on a maintenance agreement. The content of this agreement is tailored to the specific individual needs and requirements of the customer.